Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2010

WORKSHOP-TWO - SKD-Museumslabor - "Verlangen" - Ruairí O'Brien

Sadly the Museum was unable to find a school group to take part in the workshop today so I worked in the "Museumslabor" alone. Although somewhat "lonely" this was also a possibility to contemplate the loneliness of a collector working in solitude. Not being able to share the treasures one process's must be one of the initial motivations for a collector in deciding to exhibit his or her most cherished objects to the public. Perhaps first among a small circle of family and trusted friends but then the circle grows as confidence in the collection reaches new dimensions. This need, hunger, desire to communicate with the outside world is indeed an interesting aspect of this second workshop "Verlangen". Brooding over the collection one has started, no matter how small the collection one is a ware of an increasing sense of responsibility for the objects, fragments, “things” one has put together. Perhaps they appear at first not to have a relationship to each other, perhaps one begins to imagine stories that could bring the elements together to form a bigger picture, and this is the creative and visionary work of the collector. One sees shadows, hears voices, faces, names, time gone by no longer retrievable, ghosts….they begin to speak to you. Perhaps at first all the known data is written down, careful notes are made as to the condition of the object, of the materiality, scratches, tears, blemishes are recorded. Or is that the second step? Does the admiration overlap with the curiosity? This is subjectivity and objectivity blending to form one, focusing in and out, holding and letting go, science and art. The immateriality, the unmeasureable is always present.
One is also aware of a growing desire to protect and foster its development. Stories begin to unfold, who has seen this before me, who has touched this before me? Who has processed this before me? Who has made this, who has created this, why did they create this, for whom or what did they create this, how has it survived, is there an other object similar to this one to be found somewhere, has someone else one in his possession, is it more beautiful, is it different, is it more perfect….can I have it…what do I have to do to possess it! A second and more dangerous desire is born.

I decided to extend the collection with a "Clay Man". There is abeautiful photo of the finished "Erd-Mensch" where one can see the drawings I did on the white wall of the children who attended the last workshop. Their line shadows are present in the space, also their words and thoughts that they left for all of us written on the wall. In the photo one can also see the caterpillar I drew and wings of the butterfly. Process....process....begin and end........yesterday, today....tomorrow.....I am looking foward to the next workshop which will take place next week. Its called "Wissbegierde" which might be understood to mean "Thirst for Knowledge"...... The "Erd- Mensch" is now floating in the Collection in time and a black framed mirror placed carefully on the large white horizontal worksurface of the "Museumslabor" installation......waiting....patiently....... Ur-Mensch and Astronaut in glass

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